873YQIK Yachting express filler

873YQIK Yachting express filler




Polyurethaan 2K, Polyurethaan 2K filler


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They are the quickest-drying fillers of the YACHTING product range used where shorter time frames during the creation of small indoor/outdoor handworks is required. The product is available in the following colors: 873YQIK1 white, 873YQIK2 black and 873YQIK7 gray. The main features of this product are its excellent drying speed and sanding properties after 20 to 30 minutes of air drying or 5 to 10 minutes of oven drying. It can be easily applied vertically and be used on aluminum, galvanized sheet metal, abs, gelcoat, carbon fiber and polyester-epoxy putty substrates.